TPOVU Your pack is too bulky to carry with you. Your sackU Ga(,P R^(,=0 ;You are in total darkness! Small creatures swarm onto your body, biting and stinging! :You grope among the vicious insects and feel the talisman!#You seek frantically for a way out!U #You drop your lamp, which goes out!U h9(,< 1You step forward and feel the floor yield beneath your weight. You fall1into open space, then land with a jolt! Luckily, your lamp survives.8You climb on the wet rock slowly, then slide, bounce and skid until you manage9to grasp a slimly knob of calcareous deposit on the wall.;Cautiously, you inch your way down the shaft until, at last)you arrive at a ledge where you can rest.9You start down, then lose your grip and crash to a ledge!;With great effort, you edge your way up through the foaming2spray, only to slide back before reaching the top.9You start to climb but slip, miss your previous hold, and tumble to a lower ledge!:Your daring leap succeeds, you reach a cavern in the wall.;You don't make it! You fall, strike a ledge, then crash to a stop! You leap into space, arms out!! You land safely in the opening!2 You grapple for a hold, then crash to the floor!%You tumble back to the chamber floor!4You slip and fall, landing with a thud in soft sand!;You climb through drenching spray, slipping many times, but8recovering until you are able to climb onto a projecting horn of rock to rest.You stand in a narrow, wet passage. The floor is comprised of@broken stone, making travel treacherous. At the east end of the%passage stands a golden gate. It is locked. open.>You struggle in a passage so low you must crawl on your belly.AWater trickles over the rocks. In the dim light you see openings@that you can follow north, northeast, and east. A crevice, wide+enough to squirm into, drops into darkness.AYou are in a vast, echoing chamber. The thunder of falling waterBdirects your attention to a great open shaft, into which a stream,Dwhich issues from a cleft in the roof, is plunging. It appears thatDone might climb down the slippery rocks in the shaft. A low passage/disappears into the blackness to the southwest.CYou cling to a spray drenched protrusion beneath a giant stalactiteDon the wall of a shaft near a plunging waterfall! Across the shaft,Ato the west, an opening appears. It is a long jump. Down and up*from here is extremely dangerous climbing.AYou crouch in a tiny cavern, the east side of which breaks into aBshaft which cannot safely be entered. A crevice plunges downward.:On a tiny ledge, part way up the west wall of a glittering>underground cavern. A dozen feet away, across empty space, is;an opening into the east wall. Below is a rocky floor and$there appears no way to climb above.=You are in a large, oblong chamber of startling beauty. YourAlight glints, irridescent from the walls. To the west is a large>opening leading into a shaft that seems unclimbable. Above, a=possible passage leads up, and one goes east. A narrow, deep crevice, penetrates the floor.BIn a spacious chamber. Stalactites drip from the ceiling, matchedAby a host of stalagmites, rising from the floor. Passages appearCto go east and west and a giant stalagmite, which might be climbed,%rises to a great rift in the ceiling.AWater dashes around you and you are drenched with spray. A greatAshaft, roaring with falling water, offers precarious climbs up or1down. A passage penetrates the rock to the west.@You are on the floor of a crystal walled cavern. On the wall of?the gaping emptiness above you is a tiny ledge with a series of@scanty handholds leading to it. A channel goes east, curving up=as it penetrates the rock and a dark hole opens in the floor.=You are in a deep pit with a narrow crevice extending upward.*C*U*Z*_*q*v*{* +5+:+?+Q+V+[+m+r+w+ , ,%,*,D,I,N,`,e,j,|, -"-4-9->-P-U-Z-w-|- .'.,.1.C.H.M._.d.i. /!/3/8/=/W/\/a/s/x/}/ 0+00050O0T0Y0k0p0u0 1 1#1(1-1?1D1I1[1`1e1w1|1 2$2)2F2_2 3&3k3 6Towering trees crowd together forming the green sea of the Glu'me forest.7The Glu'me forest forms a dark, green line to the east.>East, a line of trees marks the boundary of the Glu'me forest.jaws close on your body, you realize the felven lives in Thun!U " ' , C T @An evil smelling, dark walled cavern, part of an abandoned mine.6You are dizzy, your head aches, and you feel nauseous.DA tunnel goes north to the outside; another descends into blackness. A shaft extends to the west. east. Shafts extend east, west and upward. east, west and down. west and up. east and down. east and west. east and up. west and down. You are in total darkness!U R'dsB 4You are in total darkness! Crawlies swarm onto your body, biting and tearing at your flesh!% You seek frantically for a way out!U #You drop your lamp, which goes out!U h9(,< &A rung breaks! You flail frantically,' then crash to the bottom of the shaft! then tumble into space!% recover, then haul yourself back up! 9In a tiny, almost featureless chamber, with a sign on one wall. Exit north./In a dark gallery of an abandoned diamond mine.:Most tunnels have collapsed. A vertical shaft is passable by dangerous5ladders embedded in its walls. A passage goes south. A shaft extends up and down. upward and a second goes east. upward and another goes west. down and a second goes east. down.U )With a thunderous roar, a shabog attacks!U is a sign above an opening in the lower surface of the sphere.kindly at you. To the northeast you see through the open exit into the walled entrance garden.U 9You are inside the gate of Fragaz. Exit is to the north.#A tiny shop is visible to the west.1To the west is a tiny shop; closed for the night.2You see a vegetation enclosed shelter to the east.9The enclosure protects a moss encrusted stone trough into9which water flows from a small hole in the rock. Through9the leafy bower you see the exit from Fragaz to the west.!This very small shop handles only$ food(18 ems/lb) and oil(18 ems/oz). Exit east.U 7You are inside the gate of Targ. Exit is to the north. A tiny shop is seen to the west. A darkened shop lies west.-There is a small, enclosed pool to the south.1The pool is spring fed; the water cool and fresh.3Through nearby vegetation the Targ exit lies north. South there is an open gate.5The shop has rather little merchandise to offer; only oil(30 ems/oz),3food(48 ems/lb), lamps at 4.50, and flints at 2.10. Exit east.7On a stone floor, all that remains of a razed building.3An opening in the floor is guarded by an iron door. The door is locked. open. North there is a small pool.9You are in a cylindrical shaft. A sign is visible on the9wall opposite the metal rungs of a ladder leading upward.U ITEM PRICE Food(lb) .18 Oil(oz) .15 Sacks .51 Hides 9.00 Kalard 15.00 Bows 57.00 Arrows .60 We buy at 2/3 of cost.U 9You are inside the gate of Rooden. Exit is to the north. A small shop lies to the west..A small shop, closed for the night, lies west.9A public well lies southeast and a plaza is to the south.!A public notice is posted nearby.9At the well you find it easy to get water. The exit from#Rooden is visible to the northwest.0The shop is minimally supplied with merchandise.4A proprietor sits quietly waiting for customers. On2a nearby wall you notice a price list. Exit east.7In a plaza. A stairway, guarded by a gate, leads down. The gate is locked. open. The town entrance is north.CYou are in a cramped cubicle. There is a sign on a plaque embedded7in the floor. A rope ladder leads to an opening above.U 'ITEM PRICE ITEM PRICE'Bottle--------.23 Canteen-------.60'Food(lb)------.18 Oil(oz)-------.12'Shovel-------3.00 Lamps--------2.79'Knife--------6.00 Grain(lb)-----.09'Flint---------.99 Sack----------.51'Sand(lb)------.09 Salve-------13.171Note: above items purchased at 2/3 of list price.U 8You are inside the gate of Triod. Exit is to the north.#A small market is seen to the west.!The market to the west is closed.8You see a pipe extending from the wall to the northeast.!A public notice is posted nearby.:At the pipe. Water flows from it into a small, rock basinHidden in one corner you discover a dark passage leading down.=In a narrow passage, terminating at a wall upon which a small-sign is posted. The single exit leads north.FYou are in a cave with passages going up, down, and in all directions.:A steep slope rises to dim light above. A sign is nearby.IStalagmites rise from the floor, nearly touching the hanging stalactites.;Crystal draperies, crusted with minerals, shroud the walls.